Sunday, December 17, 2023

to show to famlee in the future to present my hobby that helps me feel rich in spirit especially my future off springs and students with my future busness partners and life developers

 I'd like to thank Lugi Mario's Brother John L of the Daily Show for suggesting Alan Silvestri Music  for my residential theme park operayshauns and Historical president DJ Trump for supporting back to the future the ride returning by 2023 during 2020. I knew then that he really is the best kind of Dad, a Principle of Good Auther ship (The Art Deal, 1987 ; and Our Journey Together, 2021).  

Please Vote For DJ Trump and HD Zehdar for the 2024 elections if you trust us, for I trust us. We (He stated Mike and I stated Sarah and Harris are also great.

Mike Pense and Sarah Silverman and Christerpher Lloyd are also great votes for who are great leaders with good purinsuhbillz to protecting a school campus to a the united nayshauns, in the Danyell's Vagina (it is a cute alternate name for the Zehdar unit, the observable univerase up to 90 billion light years wide). I like fuzzy door and south park studios and more.

But especially trust your parents and their reports about what is safe and what isn't safe for your well being. Also trust yourself eventually all over again on what to put on the 'to do list' for they bettermint.

Rule one of purchases, if it doesn't harm you or any life in the Zehdar unit (a danyell's vagina...the observable universe! {the humor hut department of USFanwood is getting type fatigue we shall rush publickayshaun till next time})

I'm already the president of Universal Studios Fanwood, I'd like to be the president of a nayshaun too someday, but when I earn the trust of the voters, which I have, but I have been know to break my promiss to quit bad purchases from Gas stayshauns that only 18 year olds and up are allowed to make.

Those sheenis Shauners types...but then again sauggee bisqets! 

Also...Be safe, do only wise things for your self and your surroundings anywhen anywhere.

Hamid "Doc the third" David Perez Choobeneh Zehdar. Age 36. I hope to publish more famlee friendly data in the future. 

Till next time.

Universal Studios Fanwood Room 2 during 2003

A 36 yearold purezident of USfanwood publishez his 23 yearold vice purezident and we're both good story tellers to absolutely some of the best scientist you kan find. yay 2008...0023...tits.

Men literally make really good photographerz and Pilots.

I like Detecting Rainfall during a full moon. 

Deloreanz and Alan Silvestri's music in the cassette...A+ 

hd stripe funding to buy deloreanz and food for artists

2024.0037.lots of star dates to infinity eventually" by hamighty and numbers tempo 08m 11r 18:00:36

"2024.0037.lots of star dates to infinity eventually" by hamighty publishings to hdzeedotcom and universalstudiosfanwooddotcom (pu...

pages in pages hollywood and fanwood are mountains and roads pages in pages